Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We're home!

I can hardly believe it, but here I am at our home computer writing this post!! We got home last night around 9:30, tired but happy and relieved. Noah had a good night, but we're hoping he'll soon forget how they woke him up to eat every few hours around the clock when he was in the hospital : ) He seemed to remember that last night and was up a few times - oh well, we'll just have to nap later today! We're going to try to settle into a normal routine and enjoy this precious baby now that his surgery is finished!
Thank you all for your continued love and support - it really means so much to our family! Please keep us in your prayers as Noah continues to improve, and we'll pray for you and your families to be blessed and know the peace that only our loving God can give!
And we'll try to post some pictures soon - I know it's boring to read these messages with no pictures!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Post-op report #4

We are so excited to be able to tell you that we're possibly leaving the hospital this afternoon or tonight!!! Yes, it's earlier than they originally told us, thanks to God helping Noah to heal quickly and progress as he needed to : ) It's not definite, but when his surgeon comes by late this afternoon, he said that if Noah continues to tolerate his formula, he'll probably let us go - YAY! Matthew commented earlier that not only is Noah tolerating his formula, he's inhaling it!! He never acted very hungry when he couldn't eat at all, but once we were able to give him a little, he acts like he's starving - and I'm sure he feels that he is! We greatly appreciate your continued prayers against infection and any other complication, and we'll let you know when we get home!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Post-op report #3

Lots has happened since I posted a report on Thursday! Noah's nasogastric tube and heart monitor were removed yesterday, and he was able to drink a tiny bit of Pedialyte this morning - his first food by mouth since 3:30am on Wednesday!!! If he tolerates that well for 3 feedings (10am, 1pm, and 4pm), he can have a little formula for 3 feedings, then they'll up the amount til it reaches a normal amount. YAHOO!! But don't stop praying - his body must digest what he takes in and he needs to be able to have normal output before he's out of the woods. So far, so good - we've NEVER been so excited about changing dirty diapers : ) He's been amazingly happy and content in spite of all he's been through and we KNOW that's because God is so good to answer each of our prayers so mercifully. We'll keep you posted as he continues to improve.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Post-op report #2

Whew, I think we're past the roughest part of this whole process...Noah seemed uncomfortable much of yesterday and last night, and was happiest when being held. Needless to say, the rocking chair in our room is just a tad short of being comfy, so while he slept in my arms, I wished desperately to be asleep!! However, when morning came, Noah began acting more like himself, and has spent most of today awake, happy, smiling, and cooing just like old times : )
He has every reason to be miserable, but he's really a trooper. He enjoyed his visitors today and has only needed Tylenol (nothing stronger, thank God) for whatever pain he may be feeling. We're so relieved that he doesn't seem to be having much pain - it would be really hard to see him suffer, he's so sweet and precious! If he's hungry, he's not complaining : )
Thanks to everyone - we love you all and appreciate your concern and prayers more than you'll ever know! Please don't stop praying for Noah to completely recover quickly. Please know that we would call each of you one by one if we could, but these updates will have to do for now!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Post-op report #1

It's 1:30 pm on Wednesday, we're back in our regular room, and Noah is doing well. Everything went as expected during his surgery, and now he is sleeping and recovering.

Our main prayer requests now are for:

1. NO infection or other complications.

2. the connection site (in his colon) to heal perfectly with no leaking or other problems.

3. peace for Noah (and his Mommy and Daddy!) over the next few hungry days of no eating at all (for Noah - don't worry, we'll keep eating!).

4. minimal pain as he continues to recover.

Thank you all so much for praying, and as I said last night, don't stop!!! God has held us close this far and we know He'll never let us go. For that - and so many other gifts - we are truly grateful!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Surgery Time!

We've had a busy (but good) couple of days here at the Children's Medical Center, and we know that it is due to all of your prayers - thank you so much! Noah has won the hearts of all the nurses with his sweet smiles and "talking"!
His surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 7:30 and should last for about 2 hours. We'll be able to be with him in the recovery room soon after his surgery ends, so we should be with him when he wakes up. Hopefully we'll be back in his regular room before lunchtime!
We're about to turn out the lights and sleep a little while before our hungry little baby wakes up to drink his Pedialyte - yuck! Thank you again for your prayers - we can feel God answering every one!! Keep on praying - we'll update you tomorrow after surgery!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Two Months Old!

Noah is now 2 months old and growing like a weed!! He's very expressive and loves to talk, coo, and smile - especially when Mary Kathryn and Claire are around!

We got to Augusta this afternoon where my mom had prepared a yummy birthday dinner for Mary Kathryn, who turned 13 yesterday. It's hard to believe how time flies!! All of Noah's Augusta cousins (John, Conner, and Hudson), plus Aunt Michelle, Uncle John, Grandmama, Grandaddy, and GG (my sweet grandmother), enjoyed passing him around - the boys were so sweet and gentle with him.

Tomorrow Noah will be admitted for his pre-op activities, and his surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. Please join us in praying for God's perfect peace, and especially for a safe and successful surgery for Noah and wisdom and guidance for his doctors. They told us to plan on him being in the hospital for 7-10 days following surgery, so we'll update you as often as possible. We're thankful for all God has done in the last few months and pray that our lives - and Noah's - will be a witness to His love, sovereignty, and goodness.